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Click on the heading / title for each month to watch the podcast.  The title for the month is linked to the video.

This is our first podcast so we experienced a huge learning curve, and we have several changes to make for next month.  There is a big change in volume between many on the segments, so be prepared to adjust your volume!  The kids should be quite proud of their accomplishments.  There is a lot that goes into creating these podcasts, both on screen and behind the scenes.  Every student took part in creating this, worked so hard, and took a lot of pride in our finished product, and every job was critical to our success!  

Here we are again!  The learning curve wasn't a big this month, but we are still learning all the ins and outs to this wonderful journey!


Sorry for the delay in publication. The finished product was a little late, so getting it uploading didn't happen until after Thanksgiving Break due to vacation plans.

December 2019

To Be Released December 20, 2019

January 2020

To Be Released January 31, 2020.

February 2020

To Be Released February 28, 2020

March 2020

To Be Release March, 31, 2020


April 2020

To Be Released April 30, 2020


May 2020

To Be Released May 29, 2020


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